Seattle Office of Film + Music

Commission Mixer Draws Large, Enthusiastic Crowd
June 4, 2015, 1:00 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

SMCSAC_EVENT_horizCreativity was brewing last night at Rumba Notes Lounge in Columbia City during the first joint Music Commission and Arts Commission Mixer. Community members were invited to come out, meet with Commissioners to learn more about the work of the Commissions, and share their own work, current projects, and goals with Commissioners.

The event featured welcome remarks from Commission Chairs Jody McKinley (Music) and Vivian Phillips (Arts), food from Safari and Watercress, Kenyan and Vietnamese restaurants located adjacent to Rumba Notes, and concluded with a rousing performance from local funk band Ancient Robotz. During the event, attendees were given the chance to “Date a Commissioner” in a speed dating style format where they could engage directly with Commissioners for intense 10-minute segments.

There were 16 Music and Arts Commissioners in attendance representing a diverse array of music and arts organizations, industry, and working creative professionals. Representatives from Mayor Murray’s office were in attendance, and over 100 community members from all facets of the creative sectors came out to meet each other, share experiences and information, and gain creative inspiration.

It was a positive and inspiring event and both Commissions look forward to holding more of these in the future. Thanks to Rumba Notes Lounge for hosting! Thanks to the community for coming out!MeetTheCommissions_PhotoCollage